• The Cebu Educational Development Foundation for Information Technology or CEDF-IT is a consortium of industry, academe, government and NGO's that seeks to increase the quantity and improve the quality of professionals in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and IT-Enabled Services Industry.

  • "The Pioneer ICT Council of the Philippines"

  • "A founding convenor of the NICP"

  • "We are the VITAL LINK in the IT/BPM Industry in Cebu"

  • Cebu City: Top 8 in Tholon's Global Outsourcing Destinations

Why Join CEDF-IT?

Benefits & Obligations

Benefits of Members

  1. Free training for Teachers in selected CEDFIT's partnerships with both international(EMC-AAP) and local partners(ICTO).
  2. Discounted training cost for all members.
  3. Special rates for members in all CEDFIT organized activities such as the annual ICT/BPM Conference and Expo.
  4. Free participation to events organized by CEDFIT such as it's General Membership Meetings (every April) and the Anniversary Meeting (every November).
  5. Strong linkage activities between the Academe and Industry such as OJT Programs, faculty exposure and longterm immersion in the industries, forum between Academe and Industry.
  6. Opportunities to sponsor CEDFIT events.
  7. Networking opportunities with members of CEDFIT.
  8. Industry linkage to government agencies such as PEZA, DOLE, TESDA, LGU, etc.
  9. Access to IT talents certified under Phil-IT GCE especially companies who will sponsor the conduct of the certification exam.
  10. Linkage to about 40 ICT Councils located all over the country.
  11. Opportunity to help sustain the growth of ICT/BPM industry of Cebu.

Obligations of Members

  1. To be diligent in the payment of membership dues;
  2. To be active participants, solid supporters, and dynamic collaborators in the crafting and implementation of CEDF-IT programs and policies.
Membership Categories
  1. Regular (Cebu-based)
    Institutional: Elementary, High-Schools, Colleges, Universities, Technical Schools, Non-Formal (Certificate) Schools, NGO's, etc.
    Industry: Single Proprietorships, Partnerships, Local and Multinational Corporations, etc.

  2. Affiliate (Outside Cebu)
    Institutional: Elementary, High-Schools, Colleges, Universities, Technical Schools, Non-Formal (Certificate) Schools, NGO's, etc.
    Industry: Single Proprietorships, Partnerships, Local and Multinational Corporations, etc.

Annual Fees
Academic Institution Regular Affiliate
For Institution with less than 5,000 students Php 5,000 Php 5,500
For Institutions with 5001 to 10,000 students Php 10,000 Php 11,000
For Institutions with more than 10,000 students Php 15,000 Pph 16,500
Civil Society/NGO
For Civil Societies/NGOs with at least 10 to 50 members Php 5,000 Php 5,500
For Civil Societies/NGOs with more than 50 members Php 10,000 Php 11,000
For companies with a maximum of 50 employees Php 5,000 Php 5,500
For companies with 51 to 200 employees Php 10,000 Php 11,000
For companies with 201 or more employees Php 20,000 Php 22,000
Government Sector
Cognizant of their sincere effort to assist CEDF-IT fulfill its mandate, Government Sectors are exempted from paying the annual membership dues.

Note: Affiliate Rate is only for Members outside Cebu

Membership Registration Process:
  1. Download a copy of our Membership Application Form .
  2. Fill out the required fields.
  3. Send us back a scanned copy once done.

See what CEDF-IT has accomplished every year

Take the Phil-IT GCE now and be certified!

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